Kayreen Jones
Kayreen Jones

Kayreen Jones


East Lothian


Level 2

Land Line Number
Mobile Number
Riding Stable
WES Area

Area 11


🔎 Details

My email is: Kayreenjones4@gmail.com Phone/WhatsApp: 07895106052

📕 Biography

Twenty plus (ahem a little too long ago to remember!) I was very proud to be awarded my Western Equestrian Society instructors approval. After lots of practice and many late nights reading and digesting the rule book. I was so pleased and proud to have achieved it. Since that date I have owned and worked with a plethora of riders and horses and had the good fortune to ride alongside, speak to and learn from people whom I totally respect and have helped me on my journey to be a better horseperson and instructor/coach. My own personal development stemmed from working and riding with Western Equestrian Society founder Bob Mayhew. It was a pleasure and a privilege to ride with Mark Rashid and organise some of his Scottish clinics alongside some with Leslie Desmond. All a vital learning experience that helped not just my riding but also watching how people explained things and taught. This all helped to expand my knowledge of different ways of absorbing learning as well as teaching clients. Being able to ride with Warwick Schiller was also a great moment! It was fun to reflect back on those times late in 2024 when I met up with Warwick again at the Horsemanship showcase. I have had the good fortune to work with quarter horses through to shires. I adore bringing on young Horses and seeing them grow and develop. It is a double whammy when I can help the riders and horses communicate more and in a better way. I firmly believe that every horse we own teaches us more both about the equine world as well as ourselves! Sometimes we might not like what we see in ourselves so we have to grow and develop ourselves more to accommodate the horse. With that in mind (despite having owned some lovely sporty horses) I have settled on my own equines being native ponies. My speciality is young horses, especially cobs and native ponies. They have such untapped potential and for most people they are the all-rounders they need. To be able to compete in western one weekend and the next pop off on an endurance ride or dressage test expands people’s confidence and for the majority of us it fills the need we have with the resources many of us have available to keep our horses. I love to work with Quarter horses or Appaloosas, it is always a privilege I embrace but my personal riding preference is a hairy horse. It is also amazing how many people have never thought of trying western riding with their hairy ponies. So if you want to have a go I am happy to help. Aside from being a Wes Level 2 professional, I am also a UKCC Level 2 accredited coach in Western Riding and working towards my level 3. This is not an easy option I have to say and the travel, study and opportunities to be a better instructor/coach have been brilliant. I have recently attended a judging seminar in order to be a better instructor/coach or WES professional so I can give you the most up to date information on the different disciplines and how to improve and avoid those dreaded penalties. I can be found on Facebook at Garrabeg horsemanship and western coaching so feel free to have a look. There are videos on groundwork, pole work and general bits and pieces. The good and the bad as let’s face it horses are horses. Garrabeg is my breed prefix as I occasionally breed a foal and that is what they get registered under. I still love learning and you will find me attending other professional’s clinics that they hold, we are always learning and everyone has something to offer, that wee nugget that might make a difference to a horse I have or may or might help someone I am working with.