
Rob Painter Announced as WES Chairman

Date Published
April 1, 2023
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At this years AGM, Rob Painter was voted in as WES Chairman. Rob shared a few comments with us on the WES Facebook page

Dear Members of the Western Equestrian Society, I am grateful for the trust and confidence you have placed in me to lead this respected organisation. Firstly I want to acknowledge the tremendous work of the out-going Chair, Ann Hughes. Ann and her team have steered WES through the pandemic and beyond. The Society has firm foundations on which we can build. Thank you Ann. As Chair of the Western Equestrian Society, I believe that we have a unique opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the equestrian community. Together, we can work to promote the sport of Western riding, and to foster a spirit of camaraderie, friendship, sportsmanship, and fair play. among our members and in the wider Western Equestrian community In the coming months, I look forward to working with all of you to achieve these goals and to build a brighter future for the Western Equestrian Society. I am committed to listening to your ideas and concerns, and to working collaboratively with you to create positive change. Rob Painter