Ranch Trail Clinic

Area 4
June 8, 2022
Start Time

This is a chance to have a go at some ranch trail obstacles in a fun friendly environment. Can your horse drag a log? Would you like to try this? What about throwing a lasso? Or negotiating logs as well as a gate or bridge! These obstacles can also be found in trec or working equitation so do not feel you have to only ride in a western saddle!! Every one welcome in hand also as it is vital starting ground for young horses. Clinician is experienced with all types of horses and helps facilitate learning whilst having fun and us fully supportive.

Please contact:

Ann Johnstone (County rep)

On 07919567838

Or email


Cost is £30 for wes members and £35 for non members. Max of 8 so you will get a good amount of time. Please ring Ann to discuss and book in.